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Category: Dry Eye

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Floaters?

Person in the foreground raising their metal frame glasses to rub eyes expressing discomfort

It’s common to experience both dry eyes and floaters at some point in life, which might leave you wondering, “Are these two connected? Can dry eyes actually cause floaters?”  These two conditions may often occur together, but they are unrelated and stem from different underlying causes. However, the simultaneous presence of dry eyes and floaters […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurred Vision?

A woman experiencing dry eye pain and blurry vision, clutching her face.

Dry eye syndrome is a prevalent and often persistent condition affecting countless individuals worldwide. Although it may initially appear as a minor nuisance, dry eyes can significantly impact your comfort and visual clarity.  Blurry vision is a common complaint among those with this condition. But how does dry eye lead to blurry vision? Insufficient tear […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blindness?

A man with eyes closed, rubbing his eyes with his right hand

Many of us have experienced the irritating, stingy discomfort of dry eyes, especially during certain activities like working on a computer for long hours, staring at our phones too much, or traveling in the conditioned environment of an airplane.  However, there’s a growing concern among adults who suffer from chronic dry eyes: Can this seemingly […]

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How Eye Masks Can Help with Dry Eye

A young man sitting at a desk with his laptop and holding his glasses in his right hand as he rubs his eyes.

When you’re busy, you don’t have time to deal with dry eyes. The irritation and discomfort can be disruptive, making your day more challenging than it needs to be. You need a solution for your symptoms that’s accessible and simple. While numerous treatments are available, one often overlooked solution is eye masks. The warm compress […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

A woman holding her head as she experiences severe headache due to her dry eye syndrome.

Millions of people suffer from dry eyes, either seasonally during allergy flare-ups or persistently throughout the year. While dry eyes rarely cause permanent damage, they can sometimes signal underlying eye conditions. If you experience ongoing symptoms, scheduling an eye exam is essential to rule out potential issues. Why Dry Eyes Shouldn’t Be Ignored Even though […]

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