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What Are IPL Treatments?

A woman with long, straight, brown hair wearing a gray button-up sweater is sitting in an office with a laptop off to the side, rubbing her eyes with both hands

If you suffer from eye conditions like dry eye, blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, or have aesthetic concerns, you may be wondering what options exist beyond artificial tears or prescription eye drops. Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a treatment option that can reduce inflammation, improve ocular surface health, alleviate chronic eye conditions, and improve the […]

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How Eye Masks Can Help with Dry Eye

A young man sitting at a desk with his laptop and holding his glasses in his right hand as he rubs his eyes.

When you’re busy, you don’t have time to deal with dry eyes. The irritation and discomfort can be disruptive, making your day more challenging than it needs to be. You need a solution for your symptoms that’s accessible and simple. While numerous treatments are available, one often overlooked solution is eye masks. The warm compress […]

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Are Contact & Glasses Prescriptions the Same?

A woman putting a contact lens on her right eye using her right hand with her left hand holding her eyelid.

When it comes to vision correction, many people can choose between glasses and contact lenses based on their preferences, style, or vision correction needs. However, prescriptions for glasses and contact lenses aren’t interchangeable—your prescription for your glasses isn’t the same for your contact lenses.  Apart from an eye exam to get your glasses prescription, you […]

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