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Causes of Dry Skin Under the Eyes

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A person looks at their face in the mirror, examining the skin under their eyes for signs of dryness.

With the amount of time we spend looking into other people’s eyes, taking care of the skin around your eyes can make a huge difference to your look. Dry skin under the eyes can be a pesky problem, but understanding its causes and effects can help you manage it effectively. 

There are a number of factors that can cause dry skin under your eyes, coming from both inside and outside the body. Join Bluebird Vision + Wellness as we explore the topic more.

What Causes Dry Skin Under the Eyes?

Several factors can contribute to dry skin under the eyes, including:

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as cold winds or direct sunlight, can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leading to dryness.
  • Aging: As we age, our skin tends to lose moisture and elasticity, making it more susceptible to dryness, especially in sensitive areas like under the eyes.
  • Inadequate Hydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can manifest as dry skin.
  • Harsh Skincare Products: The use of skincare products containing alcohol or fragrances can irritate and dry out the delicate skin under the eyes.
  • Skin Stress: The skin under your eyes is more sensitive than in other areas of your body. Washing your face with overly hot water or using dirty makeup brushes can stress your under-eye skin and cause it to dry out.
  • Allergies and Skin Conditions: Conditions like eczema or contact dermatitis can cause inflammation and dryness around the eyes.
  • Medications: Some medications can cause dry skin, including blood pressure medications, acne treatments, and antihistamines (allergy medications), 

How Dry Skin Around Eyes Can Affect Eye Health

While dry skin under the eyes is frequently a cosmetic concern, it could affect your eye health in a few ways:

  • Irritation and Redness: Dryness can lead to irritation, resulting in redness or itching. The itching can then be the start of a vicious cycle of rubbing your eyes, leading to more irritation, which leads to yet more rubbing. At worst, if the irritation turns into an open wound, it can turn into an infection.
  • Increased Sensitivity: The skin under your eyes may become more sensitive to products and environmental factors, potentially exacerbating the problem.
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Chronic dryness can accelerate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making the skin appear older.

How to Prevent Dry Skin Under the Eyes

A person uses their fingertip to apply undereye cream beneath their eye.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.
  • Get the Right Nutrients: There are several nutrients that contribute to skin health, like vitamin A (which is also very important for eye health!) from spinach, bell peppers, and other brightly-colored vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed, evening primrose, and borage oils, and zinc.
  • Use a Gentle Cleanser: Opt for a mild, fragrance-free cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils. Steer clear of skincare products with alcohol, fragrances, or other potential irritants.
  • Moisturize Regularly: Use a hydrating eye cream or serum specifically formulated for the delicate skin around the eyes. Be careful using products that contain retinol, as it can sometimes cause dry skin.
  • Protect Your Skin: Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from harsh weather conditions and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent sun damage. If you’re inside, try not to sit directly in front of a fan or air vent—air blowing across your skin can strip it of moisture.

When to See an Optometrist

If you notice persistent dryness that doesn’t improve with at-home care, or if you experience additional symptoms such as swelling, pain, or changes in vision, it’s essential to consult with an optometrist. They can help rule out any underlying eye conditions that may be contributing to the problem.

Understanding the causes and effects of dry skin under the eyes is crucial for maintaining eye health and a youthful appearance. By taking preventive measures and knowing when to seek professional advice, you can keep the delicate skin around your eyes healthy and hydrated.

If you’re suffering from dry under-eye skin and are worried it might affect your eye health, Bluebird Vision + Wellness is here to help. For more information, book an appointment with us today!

Dr. Cody Jones, O.D. at Bluebird Eye Care in Blackfoot, Idaho.

Written by Dr. Cody Jones

Dr. Jones is a fully licensed Doctor of Optometry (O.D.). He graduated from Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia with academic and clinical honors—receiving both Doctor of Optometry and Bachelor of Science degrees. Upon his graduation, Dr. Jones served as an officer and doctor at the Naval Medical Center of San Diego, where he gained valuable experience. He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal during this service.

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